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Why Horses, Emma Rourke & Our Environment
Why Horses, Emma Rourke & Our Environment

Welcome to my blog
There's plenty to view below and if you'd like to hear more from Hephzibah and Horses then please sign up and we'll share our updates and news... but no more than twice monthly.

Emma Rourke
Sep 30, 20223 min read
"LETTING GO" Emma Rourke 1 October 2022
How tightly we hold on to the things we love, people, places, possessions, animals. We seem to find it so hard to not fix, advise,...
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Emma Rourke
Mar 16, 20214 min read
Let us Go on
Shannon and Sergio contemplating the view Looking through my window I can see signs of new life, the primroses are along the verges,...
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Emma Rourke
Jan 2, 20212 min read
What are you hoping for in 2021?
Sergio doing his ballet moves As we go into a new year, I am sure we all have hopes for a better 2021. Hope that this pandemic would be...
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Emma Rourke
Nov 12, 20202 min read
One Step at a Time, Navigation in Uncertainty
Learning to partner with a horse requires trust, patience and time. Grand Prix dressage horses, nor world class show jumpers or eventers...
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Emma Rourke
Apr 22, 20203 min read
Ponies and Parables
Overcoming Fear Artistic credit Charlie Mackesy How are you? It has been a while since I last wrote a blog, so much seems to have...
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Emma Rourke
Feb 7, 20207 min read
Ponies and Parables. Stepping out.
Life is uncertain and messy at times. We can't predict the future, we go through the good and the bad times.......
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Emma Rourke
Sep 2, 20193 min read
New beginnings
Seve and I enjoying some tranquil, mindful moments.
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Emma Rourke
Jun 11, 20195 min read
"Be Still and Know"
For as long as she could remember it had been there. The image of the small girl pointing out the grey horse over the fence to her father, a
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Emma Rourke
May 8, 20194 min read
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!...... photocredits Alice Rourke Professional dancer.
Do you feel like your life is a production, what role are you going to play today?
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Emma Rourke
Feb 24, 20192 min read
Are you tired of Waiting?
The winter is a time of waiting. The earth lies bare, ploughed and fertilised, seeds sown in preparation for the following seasons crop....
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Emma Rourke
Jan 30, 20192 min read
Are You Missing the point?
Well-being is a very fashionable word right now. Wellness, mental health, physical fitness, the pursuit of what makes us feel happy or...
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Emma Rourke
Nov 9, 20185 min read
Soft Suede
My nickname as a child from one of my uncles was "Spinderella". I was skinny, gangly and growing at the rates of knots. Always above...
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Emma Rourke
Jun 25, 20182 min read
What steals your peace?
Is your to do list as long as your arm? Your schedule so busy you don't have time to eat? Is your brain on overload and your body tired...
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Emma Rourke
May 25, 20183 min read
What keeps you stuck in the past?
How often do you feel haunted by a mistake you've made? You rehearse it over and over in your mind and it seems no matter what you do,...
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